A bunch of zombies attacked American Idol.
Man, I wish I'd been there! That's gonna be, like, the Woodstock of zombies, and I missed out. Oh, well, as long as someone ate the brains of that freak Clay Aiken.
A bunch of zombies attacked American Idol.
I'm going to my buddy Zombie Joe's wedding today. He's marrying a mummy, which has made his family a little uncomfortable. But I say, hey, as long as they're happy killing people together, that's all that matters.
I've been told some guy named Tom Collins mentioned this blog in a letter printed in this month's issue of The Walking Dead.
I was talking to my buddy Zombie Tony today, and he said, "You know what's funny?"
Sometimes I wish there were such a thing as screw-top skulls. I swear, cracking those cabezas open can be as frustrating as trying to open a child-proof aspirin bottle.
Yesterday this dude was tailgating me. Just being a real jerk, right up on my bumper, beeping and flashing his lights, even though there was very clearly a car right in front of me, too. What do you want me to do, drive over him? Jerk.
You'd think I'd get tired of saying "Nice to eat you" to my victims before I devour their brains, but I seriously never do.
More people who have linked to me, sparing their brains for the time being:
I always get depressed when I see old black & white movies, because I think of how many of the actors must be dead by now, and how many of them it would've been awesome to turn into zombies. If only I had been a zombie before Jimmy Stewart had died. What an honor it would've been to eat his brains! Plus, maybe he could've made a sequel to Harvey. Harvey was rad. Zombie Harvey would've been, like, ten times as rad. At least.
The best movie ever made by a Zombie: The Devil's Rejects, written and directed by Rob Zombie.
You can find out all kinds of stuff about brains from the Atkins people, but nothing about what I need to know: how many carbs do they have?
I should acknowledge a few more people who have linked to me recently, which means their brains are 100% safe from being eaten (as long as I don't see them, or smell them, or, say, decide to hunt them down because I'm bored):
I see the South Koreans have cloned a dog. I think I need to pay them a visit with my zombie dog, Bub. I'm gonna order up about a hundred clone zombie dogs from those guys. (If I don't eat their brains first.)
Can I get serious here for a moment? I know I like to have fun here with my little weblog, but if you will humor me, I'd like to make a statement, and I'd appreciate your earnest and respectful attention.
I bought the DVD for The Return of the Living Dead, and it's every bit as great as I remembered it to be. You have to admire the ingenuity of the zombie who uses the radio in the police car: "Send... more... cops!" And Freddy makes the most romantic speech I've ever heard in a movie: "I love you, and that's why you have to let me eat your braaaaaaiins!!" Man, if I had a nickel for every time I've said that to a gal... I'd have a buck thirty-five.