I know Winnie-the-Pooh is a bear of very little brain, but I'd eat it anyhow.
Sorry I've been out of touch for a while. I went to my buddy Zombie Lew's bachelor party, and had a few too many brain shooters. I was sleeping off the hangover in the alley (as is my wont), and some jackass up and buried me! Took me a week to dig my way out.
I've been playing this new game on the internets, called Urban Dead. It's "A Massively Multi-Player Web-Based Zombie Apocalypse." Which means it's kind of like Kingdom of Loathing (but much less funny) -- you get so many turns in which to explore, fight, gain experience points, and suchlike; turns are replenished each day. I'm playing as a zombie, of course. (Of corpse!)
I've been sluggish about updating recently; since I put up that "Religious Proselytizers and Door-To-Door Salesmen Welcome" sign, my life's been nothing but one long smorgasbord. My belly-hole's so crammed with brains, I can barely see my toes anymore!
I got the possum out. I lit a tree branch on fire and shoved it into the hole in my gut and smoked the little critter out. Last I saw he was scampering away with what appeared to be my appendix.
I thought my stomach was growling because I haven't had any brains for almost a week now, but it turns out that the noise is actually from a rabid possum that crawled in through that pesky hole in my gut. I can't get it out. I think it's having babies.
In the comments to last Friday's post, Archangel Rokan asked if I'd name my top ten zombie movies. Never let it be said I don't take requests. (Unless your request is that I stop eating your brains, which I must respectfully but firmly decline.)
If this Australian zombie movie, which is just now being released in American theaters, is not marketed in the U.S. with the tagline, "Put another brain on the barbie" -- you're all fired.
RJM at The Baboon Bellows is mad that Cartoon Network cut a line out of a Futurama rerun, in which Prof. Farnsworth makes reference to "Sweet Zombie Jesus."
How I love Independence Day! Hey, even zombies get patriotic.
I need to go make a withdrawal from the brain bank. Hope I'm not overdrawn.
Saw Land of the Dead today. What can I say? Genius, pure, unsullied genius. Best film of the past 20 years (which was when Day of the Dead was released). If you do not see this film, if you go see that freak Tom Cruise's film instead, I swear to all that is unholy, I will hunt you down and eat the crap out of your brains. I am not even kidding.